Compacting an Access database with ADO and Delphi | ||||
While working in a database application you change data in a database, the database becomes fragmented and uses more disk space than is necessary. Periodically, you can compact your database to defragment the database file. This article shows how to use JRO from Delphi in order to compact an Access database from code. | ||||
Why compacting JRO TLB As with ADOX, the JRO library must be imported in Delphi, since it is not a part of the ADOExpress (or dbGo in D6). The description of the ADOX library is "Microsoft Jet and Replication Objects 2.x Library (Version 2.x)". The JRO library file name is MSJRO.dll. We've already seen the steps needed to import a type library in Delphi (ADOX). The same process should be repeated in this case. To import JRO in Delphi you need to open a new project and Select Project | Import Type Library. In the dialog box choose "Microsoft Jet and Replication Objects 2.x Library (Version 2.x)". Note that it will add two new classes, the TReplica and TJetEngine. Press Install button to add JRO to a package or press Create unit to just create a single interface unit. If you click Install, two new icons will appear on the ActiveX tab (if you have left the default Palette page on the Dialog). Note: Delphi 6 users will not succeed in importing JRO type library. If you have Delphi 6, while trying to install the library in a package, an error will pop up indicating that ActiveConnection in the JRO_TLB file doesn't exist (along with some other errors). The problem lies in Delphi 6 TLB importer. There are two options to overcome the problem: 1. Use Delphi 5 to import JRO an then install it in Delphi 6. 2. Manually declare the missing ActiveConnection property and change property declarations to make them writeable. Compact Delphi Project
![]() ![]() The TJetEngine class has a CompactDatabase method. The method takes two parameters: the ADO connection string for the source as well for the destination database. CompactDatabase method compacts a database and gives you the option of changing its version, password, collating order and encryption. In our form, the edSource is used to specify the database we want to compact. The edDest specifies the destination database. Within the connection strings, you specify various connection properties to determine how the source database is opened and how the destination database is compacted. At a minimum, you must use the Data Source property in each connection string to specify the path and name of the database. The next code (btnCompact OnClick event handler) is an example of the CompactDatabase method:
Note that the above code presumes an Access 2000 database. Microsoft Jet OLEDB 4.0 is the default data engine for Access 2000. In many cases you'll want to have the same database name after the compact operation. Since edSource and edDest can't be the same your code should replace the original file with the compacted version. The next function takes only one parameter - the name of the database you want to compact:
The DatabaseCompact receives a sdbName string parameter with the full name of the database you want to compact. The function returns True if compact is successful False otherwise. The sdbName is compacted in sdbTemp, the sdbName is then deleted and sdbTemp renamed to sdbName. The DatabaseCompact could be called as:
The DatabaseCompact function is ideal to be called from within your Delphi ADO application as an external application. It could also be written as a console mode application that takes one command line parameter (or more) since it requires no GUI. |
![]() |
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Compacting an Access database with ADO and Delphi
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Add a Check Box to a standard dialog box
1. Create a dialog using CreateMessageDialog
2.This function will return a form object with dialog
3. In this object we can add a checkbox
4. Show dialog using ShowModal
5. Check a result and process a state of the checkbox
6. Destroy the created checkbox and the dialog
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject) ;
var AMsgDialog: TForm;
ACheckBox: TCheckBox;
___AMsgDialog := CreateMessageDialog('This is a test message.', mtWarning, [mbYes, mbNo]) ;
___ACheckBox := TCheckBox.Create(AMsgDialog) ;
___with AMsgDialog do
______Caption := 'Dialog Title' ;
______Height := 169;
______with ACheckBox do
_________Parent := AMsgDialog;
_________Caption := 'Don''t show me again.';
_________Top := 121;
_________Left := 8;
______if (ShowModal = ID_YES) then
______if ACheckBox.Checked then
_________//do if checked
_________//do if NOT checked
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Get Default Printer Name
uses Printers;
function GetDefaultPrinterName : string;
___if (Printer.PrinterIndex > 0)then
______Result := Printer.Printers[Printer.PrinterIndex];
___end else
______Result := '';
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Incremental Search for the TListBox Delphi Control

Handle the Edit1's OnChange event as:
The Perform method sends the specific LB_SELECTSTRING message directly to ListBox1.
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Add Row Number In DBGrid
1. create new blank field in dbgrid
2. rename the title with 'No'
3. put this code in OnDrawColumncell
4. Now your Grid has a row number
procedure TForm1.DBGrid1DrawColumnCell(Sender: TObject; const Rect: TRect;
DataCol: Integer; Column: TColumn; State: TGridDrawState);
if DataSource1.DataSet.RecNo > 0 then
if Column.Title.Caption = 'No' then
DBGrid1.Canvas.TextOut(Rect.Left + 2, Rect.Top, IntToStr(DataSource1.DataSet.RecNo));
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Drag'n'Drop nodes inside TreeView
procedure TForm1.TreeView1DragDrop(Sender, Source: TObject; X, Y: Integer) ;
___AnItem: TTreeNode;
___AttachMode: TNodeAttachMode;
___HT: THitTests;
___if TreeView1.Selected = nilthen Exit;
___HT := TreeView1.GetHitTestInfoAt(X, Y) ;
___AnItem := TreeView1.GetNodeAt(X, Y) ;
___if (HT - [htOnItem, htOnIcon, htNowhere, htOnIndent]<> HT) then
______if (htOnItem in HT) or (htOnIcon in HT) then
_________AttachMode := naAddChild
______else if htNowhere in HT then
_________AttachMode := naAdd
______else if htOnIndent in HT then
_________AttachMode := naInsert;
______MoveTo(AnItem, AttachMode) ;
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Mengetahui Jumlah Mapping Drive dalam Jaringan Komputer
function GetNetworkDriveMappings (SList: TStrings): integer;
____c: Char;
____ThePath: string;
____MaxNetPathLen: DWord;
____MaxNetPathLen := MAX_PATH;
____SetLength(ThePath, MAX_PATH) ;
____for c := 'A' to 'Z' do
____if WNetGetConnection(PChar('' + c + ':'), PChar(ThePath),MaxNetPathLen) = NO_ERROR then ____________sList.Add(c + ': ' + ThePath) ;
____Result := SList.Count;
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Change glyphs of TDBNavigator Buttons
procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject) ;
___i : Integer;
___tempGlyph : tBitmap;
___tempGlyph :=TBitmap.Create;
______tempGlyph.LoadFromResourceName(HInstance,'GoFirst') ;
______with DBNavigator1 do
_________for i := 0 to ControlCount - 1 do
____________if Controls[c] is TNavigateBtn then
____________with TNavigateBtn(Controls[c])
____________do begin
_______________case Index of
_______________nbFirst: Glyph := tempGlyph;
Monday, November 5, 2007
Implementing OnMouseOver for Items in a TComboBox, with custom hints.
Here's how to get the caption of an item in a TComboBox as mouse hovers over an item when the ComboBox is in drop down state. Use this "trick" to get the object associated with the "pre-selected" item in a combo box, or to display a custom hint for each item, for example. | |||
![]() | |||
![]() | |||
When a TComboBox is in drop down state, and you move around the items with mouse, the item the mouse is over is "pre-selected" (colored in "clHighLight" color). If you ever wanted to get the text of that "pre-selected" item (to show a hint for this item, for example), you probably noticed that such a property does not exist. When a combo box is dropped down, its Items are displayed in a list box type of control. The VCL TListBox component does actually provide an OnMouseOver event, yet, this event will not fire for TComboBox's list box since the list box part of the combobox is not a VCL control. If you were lucky and the TComboBox's list box was TListBox, than you will have no problems to "get ListBox items as mouse hovers over them". TComboBox.Items OnMouseMove![]() The code provided below is an example of how to get the name of the combo box and the text of the item the mouse hovers over. Firstly, we get the handle of the window under the mouse (WindowFromPoint), we check if the window is a combo box (GetClassName). Secondly, we get the index of the "pre-selected" item (by sending the LB_ITEMFROMPOINT message to the underlying list box). Next, if we have a valid item index, we get the text of the item by sending the LB_GETTEXT message. Finally, the combo box name and the item text are displayed in a TLabel component.
That's it. Tricky yet simple. In the sample application provided for download, there's also code that "activates" the ApplicationIdle procedure when the combo box fires its OnDropDown event; similary the Application.OnIdle is set to nil when the combo box fires the OnCloseUp event. TComboBox.Item custom hint messagesAs you can see from the screen shot, you can attach custom hint text for each combo box item. In general, a class TComboItemHint that derives from THintWindow is used to display custom hint messages for each item. The DoActivateHint procedure calls the ActivateHint method of the THintWindow. ActivateHint displays the hint window at the specified coordinates (where the mouse is).
Show any graphics format as Glyph on a SpeedButton
___bmp: TBitmap;
______bmp.Width := Image.Picture.Graphic.Width;
______bmp.Height := Image.Picture.Graphic.Height;
______bmp.Canvas.Draw(0, 0, Image.Picture.Graphic) ;
Thursday, November 1, 2007
How to set system wide Hot Key for a Delphi application
//In the main forms OnCreate
//handler assign the hotkey:
If not RegisterHotkey
(Handle, 1, MOD_ALT or MOD_SHIFT, VK_F9) Then
ShowMessage('Unable to assign Alt-Shift-F9 as hotkey.') ;
//In the main forms
//OnClose event remove the handler:
UnRegisterHotkey( Handle, 1 ) ;
//Add a handler for the
//WM_HOTKEY message to the form:
private // form declaration
Procedure WMHotkey( Var msg: TWMHotkey ) ;
message WM_HOTKEY;
Procedure TForm1.WMHotkey( Var msg: TWMHotkey ) ;
__If msg.hotkey = 1 Then
____ If IsIconic( Application.Handle ) Then
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Minimize Child Forms Independent of the Main Form
By design, Delphi applications only have one button on the Windows Task Bar for the whole application. When you, for example, minimize the main form of an SDI application, Delphi minimizes the main form and than hides all other windows in the application as well.
SDI means Single Document Inteface. By default, the FormStyle property of all Delphi forms added to the application is set to fsNormal, so that the IDE assumes that all new applications are SDI applications.Being an SDI application, does not mean you can not have more than one form in the application. In most cases, of course, you will have more than one form - but only one form is the main form of the application.
The main form is the first form created in the main body of the application. When the main form closes, the application terminates. As stated, in an SDI application, when the user minimizes the main form, all other forms get hidden too. Also, only the main form (to be precise, the application) will have a button on the task bar. When a child form is minimized it gets minimized to the Windows Desktop.
Note: contrary to the SDI, in an MDI application, more than one document or child window can be opened within a single parent window. FormStyle property for a MDI parent is fsMDIForm.
Power to the Child Forms!
Let's say you do not want child forms to hide when the main form minimizes. What you need to do is to change the ExStyle of the Params property in the overriden CreateParams method. What's more, you also need to change the parent window of a child form - set it to Windows Desktop.This is how the CreateParams should look:
interfaceBy setting the child form's parent window handle to the Desktop, you remove the link that would normally force the whole application to come to the top when this form comes to the top.
___TChildForm = class(TForm)
___procedure CreateParams(var Params: TCreateParams) ; override;
procedure TChildForm.CreateParams(var Params: TCreateParams) ;
___Params.ExStyle := Params.ExStyle or WS_EX_APPWINDOW;
___Params.WndParent := GetDesktopWindow;
By design, all secondary forms point to the main form of the application for parentage. Clicking on a secondary form's taskbar button while another application is active will bring all the applications forms to front. By using GetDesktopWindow API you change this behaviour.
That's it. Simply override the CreateParams of every child form type in your project and have them minimize independently of the main form.
Note: you could have a base child form class with overriden CreateParams, then have all your child forms inherit the base class.
Implementing OnActivate / OnDeactivate for MDI Child Forms
Find out what MDI Child WAS Active
In an MDI application, more than one document or child window can be opened within a single parent window. If you need to react when a certain MDI child form becomes active you can handle the OnActivate event of the child form. The OnActivate event is fired when the form (MDI child in this case) receives the input focus. If you need to react when a certain MDI child is being deactivated you can handle the OnDeactivate event. OnDeactivate is fired when the form transitions from being the active form to another form in the same application becoming the active form.
What if you need to extract some data from the MDI child form being deactivated from the form being activated?
You need to handle a special MDI Windows message: WM_MDIACTIVATE.
Note: every (MDI parent) Delphi form exposes the ActiveMDIChild property.
ActiveMDIChild basically returns the active MDI child form.What we are after here is implementing something like OnActiveMDIChildChange event!
What MDI Child is Being Deactivated?
The WM_MDIACTIVATE message can be handled on the MDI parent level and on the MDI child level. MDI parent level means writing code to handle the message in the MDI parent form. MDI child level means handling the message on the child level - inside every MDI child form.On the MDI parent level the message can be used to identify the MDI child window being activated.
More interestingly, on the MDI child level the WM_MDIACTIVATE message caries the HWND (handle) of the MDI child form being deactivated. This means that from the active MDI child form handling the WM_MDIACTIVATE message you can get your hands on the previously active MDI child window!
Note: in any MDI application you should have one base form for all your MDI child forms - then use form inheritance (VFI) to extend the functionality for each particular MDI child type form.
You will then write the code to handle the WM_MDIACTIVATE message only once - inside the base MDI child form class.
To handle WINDOWS message write a message method for this message:typeIn the implementation get the MDI child that was previously activate ("now" deactivated) and get some data from it:
//MDI child form
___TMDIChild = class(TForm)
___procedure WMMDIACTIVATE(var msg : TWMMDIACTIVATE) ; message
___deactivated : TWinControl;
___deactivatedChild : TMDIChild;
//find the control (form) being deactivated
___deactivated := FindControl(msg.DeactiveWnd) ;
//if deactivated is a TMDIChild form .. do something ...
___if Assigned(deactivated) AND (deactivated is TMDIChild) then
______deactivatedChild := TMDIChild(deactivated) ;
______Caption := 'deactivated: ' + deactivatedChild.Caption;
The msg procedure parameter holds the info related to the WM_MDIACTIVATE message.
Note that WM_MDIACTIVATE is first sent to the child window being deactivated and then to the child window being activated.
The above code uses FindControl to get the TWinControl descendant whose window handle is identified by the DeactiveWnd HWND value. Since DeactiveWnd identifies the MDI child window being deactivated, FindWindow will locate the MDI child that was previously active.
When you make sure the previously active MDI child was found, you might need to check its type and do some special processing ... I'll leave this up to you...
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Highlighting Delphi's DBGrid Row On Mouse over
Memberikan efek Highlight pada DbGrid pada event on mouse over
Hot Tracking for TDBGrid

Contrary to what most novice developers think, the DBGrid component allows various customizations. changing the color of a specific cell or a column or even a row is not complicated at all.
What most are not aware of, is that you can even implement the OnMouseHover (hot tracking)change the display (color, font, etc.) of the DBGRid's (data) row underneath the mouse - *not* the currently selected row - thus making it look like today's web driven interfaces. behavior to
I'm sure you've seen this behavior many times - many tables on the Web change the background color of their rows as mouse hovers over them.
Coloring DBGrid's Row On Mouse Hover
To follow the source code provided later on, create a new application. On the form ("Form1") drop a DBGrid ("DBGrid1"). Use any type of TDataset descentand and connect to some database data to make sure the dbgrid has some data to show.Note: All he code goes inside the Form1's unit source!!
For a start, prepare the protected hack for the DBGrid component. In the interface section, just add the following line:
___THackDBGrid = class(TDBGrid) ;
Next, add a private integer property "MouseOverRow" - you'll use it to track the index position of the row the mouse is over.
private fMouseOverRow: integer;To be able to track the row the mouse is over you need to handle the OnMouseMove DBGrid1's event.
procedure SetMouseOverRow(const Value: integer) ;
property MouseOverRow : integer read fMouseOverRow write SetMouseOverRow;
//DBGrid1 OnMouseMoveThe MouseOverRow property's setter calls the Refresh method that will in turn fire the DrawColumnCell event.
procedure TForm1.DBGrid1MouseMove(Sender: TObject;Shift: TShiftState;X, Y: Integer) ;
___ gc: TGridCoord;
___gc := DBGrid1.MouseCoord(x, y) ;
___MouseOverRow := gc.Y;
procedure TForm1.SetMouseOverRow(const Value: integer) ;As expected the tricky part goes inside the OnDrawColumnCell event handling procedure.
___if fMouseOverRow <> Value then
______fMouseOverRow := Value;
//DBGrdi1 OnDrawColumnCell
procedure TForm1.DBGrid1DrawColumnCell(Sender: TObject;const Rect: TRect;DataCol: Integer;Column: TColumn;State: TGridDrawState) ;
___if NOT ((gdFocused in State) or (gdSelected in State)) AND (MouseOverRow = 1 + THackDBGrid(DBGrid1).DataLink.ActiveRecord) then
______with DBGrid1.Canvas do
_________Brush.Color := clSilver;
_________Font.Color := clNavy;
___DBGrid1.DefaultDrawColumnCell(Rect, DataCol, Column, State) ;
What we want is to change the drawing color of the row the mouse is over.
If MouseOverRow matches the ActiveRecord value of the protected DataLink property and the cell being drawn does not have the focus and is not selected: change the Canvas's coloring to actually "draw" the row highlighted.
The tricky part here was the protected DataLink property and the ActiveRecord value. The DataLink property helps the data-aware grid manage its link to the data source and respond to data events. The ActiveRecord specifies the index of the current record within the internal record buffer maintained by the dataset for the Owner of the TDataLink object.
You might think that ActiveRecord points to the currently selected record for the data displayed in the grid, but it is not.
Note: you might ask yourself: "how does he know this". Here's the answer: I read Delphi Help files and browse the VCL source code
While Delphi draws data the DBGrid displays it changes the ActiveRecord to match the row being drawn.
And this is the trick: match the currently drawn row woth the one the mouse is over. That's it. Beauty!
Tbutton Dengan multiline Caption
procedure SetMultiLineButton(AParent: TWinControl) ;
___j : integer;
___ah : THandle;
___for j := 0 to AParent.ControlCount - 1 do
______if (AParent.Controls[j] is TButton) then
_________ah := (AParent.Controls[j] as TButton).Handle;
_________SetWindowLong(ah, GWL_STYLE,GetWindowLong(ah, GWL_STYLE) OR BS_MULTILINE) ;
usage: suppose there is a
Button1 and Button2 on Form1,
Button3 and Button4 on Panel1 on Form1
by calling the next line
{only Button3 and Button4 will have
multi-lined caption.
Set File Date (created)
function SetFileDate(Const FileName : String;Const FileDate : TDateTime): Boolean;
___FileHandle : THandle;
___FileSetDateResult : Integer;
_________FileHandle := FileOpen(FileName,fmOpenWrite OR fmShareDenyNone) ;
_________if FileHandle > 0 Then
____________FileSetDateResult :=
____________ FileSetDate(FileHandle,DateTimeToFileDate(FileDate)) ;
____________result := (FileSetDateResult = 0) ;
_________Result := False;
______FileClose (FileHandle) ;
SetFileDate('c:\mydir\myfile.ext', Now)
Store User and Application Data in the Correct Location
When in the need of storing some content related to your Delphi application on the user's hard disk, you should take care of the support for state separation of user data, user settings, and computer settings.
For example, The "Application Data" folder in Windows should be used to store application specific documents such as INI files, application state, temp files or similar.
You should never use hard-coded paths to specific locations, such as "c:\Program Files", as this may not work on other versions of Windows because the location of folders and directories can change with different versions of Windows.
The SHGetFolderPath Windows API function
The SHGetFolderPath is available in the SHFolder unit. SHGetFolderPath retrieves the full path of a known folder identified.Here's a custom wrapper function around the SHGetFolderPath API to help you get any of the standard folders for all or the currently logged Windows user.
uses SHFolder;Here's an example of using the SHGetFolderPath function:
function GetSpecialFolderPath(folder : integer) : string;
___ path: array [0..MAX_PATH] of char;
___if SUCCEEDED(SHGetFolderPath(0,folder,0,SHGFP_TYPE_CURRENT,@path[0])) then
______ Result := path
______Result := '';
- Drop a TRadioButtonGroup (name: "RadioGroup1") on a form
- Drop a TLabel (name: "Label1") on a form
- Add 5 items to the radio group:
- "[Currenty User]\My Documents"
- "All Users\Application Data"
- "[User Specific]\Application Data"
- "Program Files"
- "All Users\Documents"
- Handle the RadioGroup's OnClick event as:
Note: "[Current User]" is the name of the currently logged in Windows user.
//RadioGroup1 OnClickNote: The SHGetFolderPath is a superset of SHGetSpecialFolderPath.
procedure TForm1.RadioGroup1Click(Sender: TObject) ;
___index : integer;
___specialFolder : integer;
___if RadioGroup1.ItemIndex = -1 then Exit;
___index := RadioGroup1.ItemIndex;
___case index of
______//[Current User]\My Documents
______0: specialFolder := CSIDL_PERSONAL;
______//All Users\Application Data
______1: specialFolder := CSIDL_COMMON_APPDATA;
______//[User Specific]\Application Data
______2: specialFolder := CSIDL_LOCAL_APPDATA;
______//Program Files
______3: specialFolder := CSIDL_PROGRAM_FILES;
______//All Users\Documents
______4: specialFolder := CSIDL_COMMON_DOCUMENTS;
___Label1.Caption := GetSpecialFolderPath(specialFolder) ;
You should not store application-specific data (such as temporary files, user preferences, application configuration files, and so on) in the My Documents folder. Instead, use an application-specific file that is located in a valid Application Data folder.
Always append a subfolder to the path that SHGetFolderPath returns. Use the following convention: "\Application Data\Company Name\Product Name\Product Version".

