
Friday, November 13, 2009

Langkah mudah untuk membuat Delphi chart

Gunakan langkahmudah berikut ini untuk memulai menggunakan Delphi TChart component:

  • Masukkan Komponen TChart kedalam form
  • Double Click pada chart lalu anda akan melihat dialog box.
  • Click tombol add idi series tab sheet.
  • Pilih Chart style pada daftar

Delphi chart

Put following code to add data into the chart

01.procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
03. { function AddXY(Const AXValue, AYValue: Double;
04. Const AXLabel: String; AColor: TColor) : Longint;
06. This function inserts a new point in the Series.
07. The new point has X and Y values. The AXLabel
08. parameter is optional (can be empty ''). The AColor
09. parameter is optional (can be clTeeColor).
10. The function returns the new point position in the
11. Values list. }
12. Chart1.Series[0].AddXY(10, 20, '', clTeeColor);
13. Chart1.Series[0].AddXY(15, 50, '', clTeeColor);
14. Chart1.Series[0].AddXY(20, 30, '', clTeeColor);
15. Chart1.Series[0].AddXY(25, 70, '', clTeeColor);
16. Chart1.Series[0].AddXY(30, 10, '', clTeeColor);
17. Chart1.Series[0].AddXY(35, 50, '', clTeeColor);
18. Chart1.Series[0].AddXY(40, 45, '', clTeeColor);
19. Chart1.Series[0].AddXY(45, 10, '', clTeeColor);
21. { Or you can write following code using "With" statement.
22. Its much easier than repeating everything again and again.
24. With Chart1.Series[0] Do
25. Begin
26. AddXY(10, 20, '', clTeeColor);
27. AddXY(15, 50, '', clTeeColor);
28. AddXY(20, 30, '', clTeeColor);
29. AddXY(25, 70, '', clTeeColor);
30. AddXY(30, 10, '', clTeeColor);
31. AddXY(35, 50, '', clTeeColor);
32. AddXY(40, 45, '', clTeeColor);
33. AddXY(45, 10, '', clTeeColor);
34. End;
35. }

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